About juniper

Juniper syrup can be used in food instead of maple syrup. honey and sugar.
Juniper syrup is an interesting supplement in cold and hot drinks: juices, yoghurt, fruit coctails, coffee and tea.
In pastries: black, brown and white bread, cookies.
In desserts: on puddings, muesli, pan cakes, creams, ice creams etc
For marinading fish, domestic or game meat. Salty and sweet dressings
Text from Ain Raal's book "Seitse tervendavat puud" ("Seven Trees That Heal")

The type of juniper most widely spread in Estonia is the common juniper (juniperus communis). You can see it growing the most in Western and Northern parts of Estonia. Juniper symbolizes rebirth, protection and humbleness.
„There is no reason to wonder, why the juniper has become one of the symbols of our windy homeland and for all Estonian nation, showing the undying power of life, no matter what comes ahead. (Ants Viires, 2000)“
Such a tough and undemanding tree as juniper is, can be hard to find from any other tree species. And when necessary, it can protect itself with its thorns. Almost all Estonians are familiar with wooden-heated steam sauna and have at least heard about using juniper branches whisk in the sauna steam room.
When you see juniper in your dreams, it means that you will meet an impatient or undemanding person soon. Walking in a juniper forest symbolizes success at work. Picking juniper berries means success that can be archieved with hard work.
According to the old Estonians’ belief, juniper bush is a place between two worlds, life and death: the souls sit and rest on the juniper bushes before they move on to the other side. So that they could still be called back to this side.
In many traditions, the juniper is considered as a gate to the mysical world, where fairies, giants and dwarfs live.
People widely believe that if you eat one juniper berry in a day, they stay young forever. If children have three juniper berries in a day, they are more likely to stay healthy. This and many other sayings created a belief that a juniper can cure 9 different diseases, 99 diseases in some cases.
Old Estonians said that you cannot break a juniper branch just for no reason. In central Saaremaa, it was believed that on St Martin’s day (10th November) it is not allowed to cut any trees at all, especially junipers, otherwise the wolf will come to break down the cattle. Since juniper berry carries a cross formation on it, it was believed that juniper can help against witchcraft, revenants and anything evil.
It is also believed that juniper cleans and strengthens one’s body energetically. For humans it has the best effect by breathing in, but it can also affect objects around that person. Juniper branches burnt in the house may clean up bad aura. Nowadays, juniper oil is used in aroma lamps for the same reason.
Juniper has energetic powers throughout the year.
Juniper berries (cones) are refreshing and power-giving Nordic treats, thankworthy food and drink supplements. Juniper bush essential oils bring refreshment in lungs and Summer warmth in bones, strength in voice and power for men. Juniper is every housewifes’ table silver and a sauna whisk for a proper man! The cleanliness and holiness in each household.